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Soni Restoration Ministries International

Serving God's Purposes in Our Own Generation.
Daring to care and save the whole man and his environment!
Confession of Faith

Our Confession of Faith

We proclaim the simple Gospel message, in its eternal power, and we believe the absolute truth in all scriptural (biblical) statements namely:


The Bible is the Word of God in all its fullness: inspired by God Himself, infallible will of God, and revealed authority for our faith in God and our conduct.


That there is one perfect God, Creator of the Universe, eternally existing in three persons Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


That Jesus Christ was born of a virgin according to the prophecies of the Old Testament.


  • He lived a life without sin

  • He performed miracles without number

  • He preached the gospel of the Kingdom of God

  • He offered His body and blood as an atoning sacrifice by dying on the cross in the place of humanity.

  • He is bodily resurrected from the dead on the third day

  • He ascended into heaven and seated at the right hand of the Father

  • He comes soon in power and glory

  • He will reign for 1000 years with authority on earth

  • He will judge the living and the dead

  • Christ is the true perfect God and perfect man


That the man:


Is A creature of God, a masterpiece of God made in the image of God, full of life and authority and filled with the potential to procreate and subjugate other creatures


Is Lost being deposed by his sinful nature inherited from Adam and by his personal acts under the influence of the devil.


Is saved only by grace through faith. That is, believing in his heart that Jesus Christ shed his blood for atonement and that God raised him from the dead, and confessed with his mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord of his life.


Is regenerated by the Holy Spirit and the Word of God by the new birth.


That the baptism of water by immersion is immediately ordained to those who have gone through repentance and who have received Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. And Holy Communion is a special meal symbolizing the broken body and the shed blood of Christ for the establishment of a new and eternal covenant between God and men.


That the Holy Spirit is God and Lord as the Father and the Son, that He is worshiped and glorified; that He spoke through the prophets and inspired the Holy Scriptures, and that He reigns and gives life. May the infilling of the Holy Spirit be an evidence of the Father's promise to give believers the power and spiritual gifts necessary for a victorious Christian life, testimony and powerful ministry.


That the Church is the Body of Christ, the home, the house, and the flock of God by the Holy Spirit. Every believer born of the Holy Spirit is an integral member of the holy universal Church of the redeemed, and of the local assembly of his choice.


That by the atoning sacrifice of Christ and His resurrection, deliverance, healing, and blessing are assured as privileges of the believer; and that this one can experience the integral restoration:


  • Spiritual

  • Menta

  • Physical

  • Financial

  • Social


That the resurrection of the dead and the last judgment will indeed take place: The saved ones in Christ will rise again for eternal life and the lost ones, that is to say those who have renounced Christ or who did not want to believe in Him will be resurrected for the sake of life. death, eternal condemnation.


That God is a rewarder of all who seek and serve Him wholeheartedly, and at the end of all things, the crowns and eternal bliss await the faithful in the glory of the Father.


Our Motto: 

Daring to care and save the whole man and his environment

Our Position:

Where the Word and the Spirit agree, Jesus Christ is Lord

Our Message: 

Perfect redemption in Christ alone by the power of the Holy Spirit, according to the Bible.

Our Strategy: 

Based on Colossians 1: 24-29: "REACH-TEACH-RESTORE THE WHOLE MAN"

Reaching the unreached with the Gospel –Teaching the Christlike Life – Restoring the whole man and his environment


Our commitment: 

To serve the purpose of God in our own generation (Acts 13: 36). 


Our Mission Field: 

From the public places to the hidden nearest and remotest parts of the earth.


Our Mandate: 

Until no one should say, "I've never heard of Him".

Our Secret: 

The manifestation of the mystery of Christ in us for the completeness of every man.

Mission Statements

Our Passion

is to build and establish local churches where God is adored in Spirit and in truth, with the manifestation of His redemptive love. Making His divine provision for all our needs according to His riches and glory.

Our Priority

is the salvation of souls and their care in Christ, as well as the unconditional love of our neighbor, for the benefit of every member of the community.



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