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Bible Institute

Bible Institute : ‘Institut Biblique Chemin d’Emmaüs’

- In more than two decades our Bible School “Institut Biblique Chemin d’Emmaüs” or “IBCE” has trained up to a thousand Pastors who are doing very great in their work. Some of them have fast growing churches with thousands of members in their local congregations; and some of them are planting new churches.


- Now we have different branches of our Bible Schools in Congo and Angola as well. 


- In Congo: We have so far opened branches of our bible Schools in Kinshasa (Morning and Evening schools), in Matadi and Moanda.  


- In Angola we have open branches in Soyo and Luanda.


- These Bible Instituts provide an intensive ten-month training in Practical Theology to those who are called to the ministry. So far, most of our students come from different parts of the Democratic Republic of Congo as well as from Angola and Congo-Brazzaville.


IBCE-Kinshasa: Is the head quarter of our Bible Schools. 80 percent of our graduat have been trained in this location.

IBCE-Matadi: In Congo-Central Province we have opened a branch of the bible School, and have trained up to 80 ministers; who have planted churches and are doing a tremendous work in different cities of this region.

IBCE-Moanda: We also opened another branch of the Bible School in the City of Moanda, and trained ministers for two years. All are graduates from Moanda are doing great work.

IBCE-Angola: Since October 2008, our ministry has opened the Bible School in Angola. This country is in a big need of training ministers, because of many churches that are being planted all over this Nation. 122 Ministers have graduated so far from our Bible School, under the supervision of Apostle Cephas Nsumbi, who is our Angola legal representative for IBCE. 

School of ministry: A part from our formal Bible schools, we give sessions of training to empower ministers on diverse topics to help them be effective in their ministry.


School of ministry: A part from our formal Bible schools, we give sessions of training to empower ministers on diverse topics to help them be effective in their ministry.


The Restoration Leadership Conference


is an Annual Forum of Christian Leaders & Pastors. It is a kind of Seven-day School of Ministry for leaders that started in 1996 with 500 leaders and grew even to thousands of leaders in one meeting.


Bible Institute for Mission and Development (IBMD):


This Mission School provides a three-year junior college degree in Applied Theology with a concentration in missions and development.  Our training allows students to become church builders among the un-reached and teaches them to assist with social development by using appropriate and available means.


Our primary target audience is the Christian leaders: Most of our topics are about Revival, Leadership, Ministry, Church growth, Administration, & Mission:


Our Bible School is open to receive student coming from all French Nations. You can contact us to register via our CONTACT page.

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